
Fuze Hero

In the year 2020, lockdown had just kicked in, thanks to Covid. I took this opportunity to learn Vue.js. Hence, I developed Fuze, which is a simple Random Gradient Generator app which generates beautiful Gradient backgrounds which are fully customisable.

What does it do?

Fuze helps you generate smooth background gradients which you could animate at a given speed and time.

How does it work?

It’s a simple app powered by Vue.js and SASS. Most of the functionality here is pretty basic and it’s just the new tech I wanted to learn, else the above was easily doable using pure JavaScript. It is also powered by Docker which was further set up by Ankur.


  • Generate Smooth Gradient Backgrounds
  • Set Interval at which your gradients would animate.
  • Customise speed at which your gradients would animate.
  • Custom colors to choose from, no limitations.
  • Pre-configured gradients which could be randomized with just a click of the spacebar.
  • Copy code snippets in jQuery & Vanilla JavaScript versions.


StatusNot Maintained
Released On9/5/2020
Github Stars70+
Github Contributors2
Open SourceYes